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Website selection process

Each external site listed on Te Kete Ipurangi has had to pass through at least one of the following levels of review. However, sites referred to in materials developed under contract to the Ministry of Education are subject to the Ministry's own quality assurance processes.

Site review levels

  • The TKI professional team assesses websites using a comprehensive list of selection criteria. Each site is also assessed from a Māori perspective. Approved sites are then described and catalogued so they can be found through the search page or by browsing in a community.
  • Curriculum-related sites that have been identified as providing material of particular value are recommended for evaluation. Teachers who have been contracted by the Ministry for this task carry out the evaluations, which include relevant curriculum references and suggestions on how to use the sites in teaching and learning programmes.

While external sites listed will be revisited regularly, the Ministry of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of the information found on these sites.

TKI criteria for external sites

Every website that TKI links to has been rigorously assessed by the TKI professional team.  Therefore, you can be assured that websites you find through TKI meet the criteria outlined below.

Content and coverage

  • The website supports the objectives and context of the New Zealand curriculum and the content of the website is of a high quality.
  • The website has its own content and is not solely a list of links.
  • The website reflects the priorities set for TKI by the Ministry of Education – teaching and learning, school management, professional development, ICT.
  • The content and suggested activities are challenging, interesting, and appealing for the intended users.
  • The intended audience of the material is clear and the concepts and level of language is appropriate.


  • The website comes from a reputable source.
  • There is a way of verifying the legitimacy of the page's author and that the author is qualified to write on the subject.
  • Where student work is requested or linked to, an appropriate privacy policy is in place. 


  • The material is up-to-date and relevant.
  • The website does not contain any obvious errors or misleading omissions in the content.
  • The information is essentially free of grammatical, spelling, and other typographical errors.
  • The information is free of offensive or unsuitable language.
  • The website documents sources of statistics that it has used.


  • The website does not use material that discriminates against particular groups of people. Where bias is evident but non-discriminatory, this is clearly stated on the opening page and will subsequently be noted in the metadata description.
  • Advertising on the page is clearly differentiated from the informational content.
  • The sponsorship and advertising on the website do not compromise the content.

Design and ease of use

  • The website can be navigated easily.
  • The design of graphics, fonts, backgrounds, and layouts does not detract from the content.
  • The website operates efficiently with internal and external links active.
  • The content of external links is appropriate.
